Our Services

At VSSS we provide a range of individualised and small group support tailored to help you achieve your NDIS goals.

We are excited to announce that we have a fully accessible one bedroom respite apartment ready for bookings. We also have capacity to take on new participants as we have had new and amazing staff join our team!

Our focus is on capacity building by working with you and your circle of support to identify your unique strengths, capabilities, community connections and interests.  We take a walk alongside approach to how we provide you with support, meaning we choose to see your potential and capabilities and work with you to realise them one step at a time.  You set the pace, we follow your lead. 

We provide services in the following areas: Bendigo, Castlemaine and surrounds, Inglewood, Dunolly, Charlton and Wedderburn and are a registered NDIS Provider compliant with our registration requirements.

Assistance with Daily Life Tasks and Self-Care Activities

This is mainly support in the home to assist you to be as independent and autonomous as possible. We support you to complete tasks such as personal care, organising your home, assisting you to budget, do weekly meal preparation, book and attend medical appointments etc. Our support staff are respectful of your personal space, abilities and wishes. You are given the opportunity to create your own support plan which outlines how much or how little input you want from our staff, what profile of staff member you prefer, how you want to plan for unexpected circumstances etc. Essentially you are at the center of everything we do, we are just the support act cheering you on to live your best life. 

Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities

This support is about you being engaged within your community to take part in meaningful activities, like meeting like minded people, exploring community groups, getting fit and healthy, going shopping, the list is endless. The agenda is set by you, we start by exploring where you are at by creating your support plan with you to identify your current connections, strengths, likes, dislikes, abilities, dreams etc. then we go from there! 

Groups – Live Life Better Program

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your social and independent living skills in an inclusive, fun and engaging environment then our ‘Live Life Better Program’ is for you. 

Our program is individually tailored to assist you in transforming your life through genuine engagement and skill development. Our program is tried and tested and has been running for over 6 years with many positive stories to share. We have won an award with NDS for ‘Excellence in Improving Learning and Development Outcomes’ for people with disability and we have been recognised in our local newspaper for making a difference in our community by cooking for the less fortunate…

  • No two weeks are the same.  We build resilience by changing our weekly schedule to do things like exploring our local surroundings, budgeting, shopping for food, cooking simple, and nutritious meals which you can cook in your own home and practicing mindfulness.  

    Capacity building and connecting with our local community is what we do: we foster strong social valued connections, resilient minds, develop useful skills and that’s all done with decent and highly trained people who love what they do… as they say do what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life!

Respite or (STA) Short Term Accommodation

Our respite provides you with the opportunity to have a short time away from your home to try new things, develop new skills, or give you a break from your regular supports.

Your NDIS STA funds cover the cost of your:

-       Accommodation
-       Food
-       Personal care

And, activities which we both agree to.

NDIS Consultancy Services

Are you a provider who is struggling to navigate the complex NDIS system and want support to work through challenging participant issues? We have extensive experience with the NDIS and are able to offer consultancy services in a range of issues - contact us and we can discuss your specific needs and we will advise if we are able to assist. 


Innovative Community participation
– Development of Daily Living and Life Skills

Do you have a goal that requires more intensive support to achieve it for a shorter period of time?

This support provides individual or groups life skill development and training in things like using public transport, developing social skills, connecting you with recreational activities etc.  

How to get started with us?

Either you, your Local Area Coordinator (LAC), your Support Coordinator or anyone else you nominate will need to complete the referral form below. We will make contact with you to discuss your support needs and set up a time with our intake officer to do your Intake and Planning Meeting in a location suitable to you.

At the Intake and Planning meeting we will complete the following with you and anyone else you might like to have present:

Care, Support and Action Plan Your support requirements, preferences, barriers/risks, strengths, and goals will be identified and recorded in our Care, Support and Action Plan.
Risk Assessment We will work with you to identify any risks and develop a plan to address and monitor them.
Consent form We will get your consent to speak with or share information with important people in your life like family members, support coordinators, therapists etc.
Service agreement We will develop a service agreement which outlines: the conditions of the services we provide you, the associated costs for your supports and how to make changes and provide feedback.

Our Prices

Our provider number: 4050072513

Our pricing is in line with the published rates in line with the latest NDIS pricing arrangements Pricing arrangements | NDIS.